Friday, May 31, 2013

Reading Response 5/29


If you were not an avid star wars fan and knew the movies really well would you be able to understand the connections he is making in this article to the star wars movies?

As a person who just watches star wars for fun and do not have the whole series memorized, this article was hard to follow. All of the analyzing that was done in the article focused on such small details and moments that it was hard to take this article seriously if you could not follow along. I felt like the author was making assumptions about George Lucas and the intentions he had when writing and directing this movie, and to me that is not fair. He focused so much on his life and how it corresponds to the movie and the social issues it brings up that I don't know how this is not an analyzation of George Lucas's intentions. If the author would have focused on more concrete facts and more obvious social issues I would have liked this article more and respected his opinion and writing.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reading Response 5/16


After reading this article by Federica Casalegno about memory and digital space I have more questions about memory than I had before I read this article. The use of the word memory made me think of facts, knowledge and smarts. But that is not how this was approached, which surprised me. I understand that memories are formed in a community and that the idea of community is changing, so therefor memory has to change as well. This article did a good job of laying that out and I agree with many of their opinions. One question I have is: Is technology affecting our ability to memorize facts and knowledge? This article talked a little bit about this question but pushed it to the side because it was too much of an extreme stance or question to be posing. The way in which they stated it was, but I believe there is a middle ground that could be researched more. I have this question because that is what I was expecting to read about from the title. I don't think that the question of how technology is affecting our memory of facts is too extreme to address, but for some reason people think it is. You hear all the time about how technology is affecting our memory and that we are stupider than ever before, but there is never any research to back that up. I want to learn more about this aspect of memory because that is what will affect the next generation of leaders and thinkers in this world.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reading Response 5/15


When reading the article "Asphalt Games" I got excited about what social media and internet has done for communities. I think this is a great idea that gets people out of their homes and off their computer, to do something active and fun. At first I did not have a grasp on the whole idea but the article laid out the concept very well. A question that I came up with to bring this into current times is, if this were implemented onto smart phones with GPS tracking, would the issue of photo shopping and not being at the actual location go away because they could tag where they were when they took the photo? If this were an app that you could take pictures through then the issue of cheating the system and not taking a picture at the exact location would go away. This would free up the stress of the users and make it feel like they were not getting cheated by other players. Another aspect that was not talked about in the article was the idea of having a video aspect of the task as well. If players were able to upload a video of them doing the task this would make the game much more interactive for all the users. The players could click on any location on the map and see a photo or video of the task that has been done. Videos are on the rise and this would be a great new aspect to add to the Asphalt Games to make it more interactive and entertaining for all users.

Reading Response 5/9


After reading the article "The Database" by Lev Manovich I had a better understanding of what the first steps of the internet and technology were. The internet just started as a database for people to go to for information. The internet was full of algorithms and data and did not have much of an interactive aspect for the user to experience. A question that came to me while reading was, did people expect the internet to become so interactive and be a narrative of a persons life? This article focused so much on the database that it seemed like the author thought this was the only way the internet could be used. But as we know now, the internet has expanded and become much more interactive for the user. The internet is now a way for people to reach each other and stay connected. The ability for people to stay connected through social media is something that I don't think anyone saw in the future. What started as just a database for looking up information and punching out equations has now evolved into a whole new way of interacting and living. I do not think the inventors and users of the database saw this in the future at all; which makes the progress and expansion of the internet that much more exciting.

Reading Response 5/10


After reading the article "Racism is a technology: Six links in a chain" I was a bit confused about what the main argument was from the author. When reading the title of the article I did not know what to expect, because I did not think racism and technology would relate to each other at all. After reading this article I have a better understanding of how your race and economic class does effect your accessibility to technology. The one question I had about this article is the credibility of the sources that were used when making the argument that Caucasian people use the internet differently than Chacinos and African Americans. This argument seemed weak and just kind of thrown into the article to make a point. I would think a lot of people would have to be interviewed and watched in order to make the claims that were made about the way the technology such as internet was used by different races. I do agree that there is different accessibility depending on where you live and what race you are, but the way in which the technology is used is questionable to me. I did not quite understand why he made the argument that different races use technology differently. I feel like this was an argument that was added to the end to try to make the reader believe the author more. If he would have just stuck with the accessibility issue and difference I would have believed his argument more. Some of his points were still very valid and made me think about accessibility issues to technology that I had never thought of before.

Reading Response 5/13


After reading this article I had one major question about the mobility of work. For me, the mobility would just add to my stress level at work and I am not sure if I would be able to get as much done. Working in the office helps some people focus and get work done and be productive. Does this mobility really help with productivity? Or do workers take advantage of the mobility and not get work done at a good rate? You would think the ability to take your work with you wherever you go, from the coffee shop to the park would be helpful and for some people it may be, but not for everyone. The mobility the internet has added to work makes you have to be connected to work at all times. This can help some workers because it will make them feel like they have control of their schedule and be able to do their work when it is best for them. But for other workers this could stress them out and make them feel overworked. Not all employees can manage their time when they get home, other things will pull them away form their work and the expectation to do work at home might be too much to handle. Mobility can lead to better or worse productivity at the end of the day, and as long as you know how your employees work, or you work then you should be able to still be productive in this mobile world.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Reading response 5/14


The article "The end of geography or the explosion of place" was the most difficult for me to get a grasp on out of the articles we have read so far. The author posed 3 ways technology was being used and how it effected society as a whole. Overall, what I took away from all 3 arguments was that technology was going to take over and the physical world would not be the same. Something that I thought was ignored was the human factor of the world. Technology has made advances and will continue to make advances but at the end of the day I believe humans will have the final say on how much the technology affects their life. The question that I posed to myself after reading this is: Is technology making us lose our human instincts and nature? If so will we be wholly satisfied by technology one day? To me this is questioning what I brought up earlier, is technology taking over our human nature? I don't believe that technology will take over the world and space to the extant to which the author outlines in this article. I believe man kind and technology will co-evolve like the author talks about, and one or the other will not take over, but they will work together to forge a better future. This article brought up too many extremes in my mind to really seem feasible and realistic. Technology is evolving quickly but so is man kind. Humans are the ones making the technology so I believe they will be able to keep control of the world and not get overrun by their own technology, but live with it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Digital Diverstiy

This is a link to my Pinterest board about Digital Diversity. This board focuses on how technology has changed the attitudes of people over time. It questions what is good technological advancement; and what advances have really held individuals back.

Digital Diversity Board

1. Old and new windmills
This picture shows a true juxstaposition between old and new technology that are both doing a good thing. The old windmill was used to produce energy, and so are the new windmills in the background. People usually question technological advances but this is a case in which technology has helped. This is a new way to still help the environment and produce your own energy.

2. I love my computer picture
This picture shows the addiciton that people now a days have to their technology and computer. Instead of making friends face to face, this picture shows that people only have friends through social media. This is a topic that is in question, this picture exaggerates the idea that people only talk to people over the internet but it is a fair argument to make.

3. Einsteins Prediction
This pin shows that Einstein's prediction of how people will act in the future has come true. His prediction is that technology will surpass human interaction and the pictures above his prediction are pictures of this happening. The use of cell phones has overtaken personal interaction and his prediction is true. The fact that people spend more time on their phones than speaking in person may lead to less and less personal interaction and connectivity.